Thursday, July 29, 2010

This is the gear you need for... (Drum Roll) PSLE!!!

This is a repeated post frm one way back down...

Sigh... PSLE is coming up! Are you ready? No? Ok...

What you need is this:

- Helmet of ... knowledge?
- Breastplate of ... Books?
- Sword of ... Pencil? (Pen is fine)
- Shield of faith (I know this one)
- Belt of ... extra correction tape?

This is the armour of ... erm .... PSLE?


New Theme

As u can see, i got a new snazzy theme for my blog...

Hope u people like it! :)


There is sumthing i wanna share with u abt ppl... Tell me wat to do...

First, Person A has a damn bad stinking attidude, and I am with Person B, C, D, E and F going against her. Then, while on a mission, I figure Person A anit as bad as how Person B tells me to be...

But then, aft a while, it totally seems like Person B's rite. Then, 1 day, Person A sort of did sumthing not-very-good, and Person B tells me abt it, and says tat Person D saw it too. The next day, Person A comes and tells me the opp. Now, i am in a dilemma, but i am still on Person b's side...

Help me!!!