Thursday, May 20, 2010


Yo people! ;)

Remember today Ms Ler Brought us to the Lab to play games? I noticed that all the new coms. were apple brand. What is with the school and apple? There's apple coms. everywhere! (Which is good, i guess. Not like the old kind.)

There's a lab, they call it IMac Lab or something like that. I wonder where the school gets the money from to purchase so many new (expensive) Computers. Anyway, I had a thought. I call the IMac Lab 'Mac Lab', (as short form. Okay, ok, I'm lazy.) and it sorta means 'Macdonals Lab. I mean, Mac. is the short of Macdonals, rite? It's kinda weird, but, well, good 4 us! No more lousy, old-classed coms! (No offense to the people who still miss / like them)

The New Coms. at the old music hub (new at old, get it?) are soooo cool! I mean, look at the keyboard. :D It's like sooooo slim and small compared to the big and old one. And the awesome moniter! I mean, It's like the PC all at once! Dun believe me? The USB port is there, the on switch is there, it's like a whole PC there! Awesome! Conclusion? The new lab offically fits our era perfectly!

Then there's the IMac Lab, the one with all those laptops? Nothing much to say about that, (cause I never been there to do work), but I heard it's cool. I dunno if it's apple, but I think so. Can't wait to check it out!

The bad thing is that we only hav got half a year to enjoy the new lab! I mean, with all PSLE n stuff, I doubt teachers will let us play as the date gets closer to the exam. Sigh...


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

SA1 is.... (Drum rolls) Over !!!

SA1 is over! Yipee! Just a thought, SA1 might be over, but is it really a reason to celebrate? Let's see the good stuff 'bout it & the bad stuff... (See if you change yr mind)

Good stuff :
- No more assessment (at least for a day)
- No stress??? (As if!)

Bad stuff : - We have to sit with our old partners again...
(Might be good 4 u but I'm sitting with Soon Houw n he's a horror!)
- We worry about results (more stress than b4)
- We do more assessment aft the results come cuz it's bad. (If it's good, lucky u)

Change yr mind? Dun worry, it's ok if u don't. Just wait n see....


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Exams, exams, and (surprise, surprise) more exams. Thinking about it, Our whole life is gonna be filled with exams... There's PSLE, 'O' Levels, 'A' Levels, there's Phd...

SA1's here already!!! Time flies, now that we're left with a few months to PSLE...
